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To serve a three-year term:
Mr. William A. M. Burden
Maj General R. L. Copsey
Mr. J. H. Kindleberger
Hon. Robert A. Lovett
Hon. Stuart Symington
Mr. Edward L. Tinker

To serve a four-year term:
Lt General Idwal H. Edwards (Ret)
Maj General H. Conger Pratt (Ret)
Mr. Robert Proctor 
Mr. C. R. Smith
General Carl Spaatz (Ret)
Mr. Gill Robb Wilson

In addition to the elected trustees, the constitution provides for the following ex officio trustees:

The Secretary of the Air Force
The Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
The retired chief of Staff, United States Air Force
The military head of the Air Force Academy
The military head of the Air University

The essential business of the organization of the Foundation having been completed, the membership meeting adjourned, and the newly elected trustees were called into session to complete the job of organizing the government of the Foundation and electing officers. It is one of the features of the constitution of the Foundation that the most recently retired Chief of Staff of the Air Force is ex officio the president of the Foundation. General Spaatz, therefore, presided over the trustees as their president. (By the same rule of succession, however, General Vandenberg became president upon his retirement from active duty on 30 June 1953.) Similarly, the by-laws provide that the military head of the Air Academy shall serve as secretary of the Foundation, and, until the Academy is established, the position is to be filled by the Assistance Vice Chief of Staff. The essential business of the Foundation is carried on under the direction of an executive committee, which is responsible to the president. This committee is headed by the first vice president. Serving with him are the other two vice presidents, the treasurer, the secretary, and two other trustees. The secretary is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the executive committee.

Before the machinery of government could be put into operation, therefore, it was necessary to elect the various officers, and permit them to organize into an executive committee. Major General Robert L. Copsey, chairman of a nominating committee which included the Honorable Harold C. Stuart and Mr. William A. M. Burden, presented the following slate of nominees who were subsequently elected:

First vice president, Lt General Idwal H. Edwards (Ret),
Second vice president, Mr. C. R. Smith
Third vice president, Mr. Gill Robb Wilson,
Treasurer, Major General St. Clair Street (Ret).

After a brief discussion of the objectives of the Foundation, the meeting of the Board of Trustees adjourned, leaving to the executive committee the task of getting the Foundation into active operation.

Immediately after the meeting had adjourned, General Edwards called for a meeting of the executive committee which took place on 23 June 1953. In addition to the officers, Lieutenant General Laurence S. Kuter and Lieutenant General Hubert R. Harmon (Ret) were named to the executive committee. It was obvious that the Foundation could succeed only if it had a plan. At the first meeting, therefore, Mr. Gill Robb Wilson, who as third vice president, was chairman of the planning committee, was requested to undertake immediately the development of a master program for the organization. By the time the committee met for