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[[Bursten?]] [[?]] 6


I. Experience has shown the following arrangements of supply units to be the best:
  1. That each squadron have its machine-shop truck, and that the squadron be given extra strength for handling it. In two-seater squadrons, there should be a total of 175 men; in one-seater squadrons of 24 machines, 150 men. Should the Group Commander deem it necessary, he may assemble these shop trucks into one organization on his airdrome. This equipment is suitable merely for repairs of equipment of all kinds with the squadrons themselves, and, under the conditions of transportation, I have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to leave these trucks with their units. No further consideration is necessary in this respect, as we may consider that this element of supply and repair is a part of the squadron itself. 
  2. The next supply echelons behind the airdromes themselves, and which are essentially supply and repair elements, should be denominated Air Parks. These should be of a size and character suited to the work they are to perform, and should be built up by units in accordance with the table drawn up in the C.A.S. First Army's office

Transcription Notes:
Unclear handwritten markings on the border of the page, unsure what to do with this.