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at Toul. That is to say, if there is an observation group operating in a certain place, the park to correspond to the observation group should be set up at a convenient point behind this group. It should be installed in an old factory, near a railroad, the center of communications, etc. Provided that there is a pursuit group in addition, the park prescribed for a pursuit group should be joined with the park for the observation group. If there are two pursuit groups, two pursuit parks should go there, etc. In this way, the park facilities would be built up in accordance with the needs and could be made as large or as small as desired. Should any unit move to a new theater, the park could follow and be ready to operate immediately. 
3. These parks should be capable of maintaining three days' reserves of all sorts of materials at all times. All supply should be sent from rear to front. That is to say, the air depots should send up and be charged with the transportation of all supplies from themselves to the parks, the parks should deliver all supplies to the groups, and the groups should use their own transportation for attention to their needs locally, such as rations, clothing, etc., and always have their transportation in shape to move. (It is to be remembered that now-days advanced landing fields have to be used to a great extent at a lot of places in front of the actual airdrome which require transportation.)