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a) Airplanes (by this is meant that all requisitions coming from groups dependent on a park should be handled through the park--the airplanes might or might not be flown directly from a general reserve, such as Orly, to the groups).
b) Airplanes engines.
c) Armament.
d) Radio equipment.
f) Transportation.
g) Miscellaneous.
5. When once put into operation and well understood, including proper methods for checking equipment, etc., the system will work easily and smoothly, care being taken that too much rigidity is not demanded. 
6. Our supply system, then, would be as follows:-
1) Groups keeping with them enough for immediate needs.
2) Air Parks, three days' supplies and three days' repair facilities and the ability to salvage damaged material for the groups that are dependent on them. 
3) Air Depots, with from two weeks' to a month's supplies, and behind this the general reserve,