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TD Milling

Special Orders, )                      War Department.
No. 29-0        )                    Washington, February 4, 1922.


Par. 8. A Board of officers to consist of

Brigadier General Edward F. McGlachlin, Jr., U. S. Army,
Brigadier General Ernest Hinds, United States Army,
Brigadier General Fred W. Sladen, United States Army,
Brigadier General Hanson E. Ely, United States Army,
Brigadier General Malin Craig, United States Army,
Colonel Richmond P. Davis, Coast Artillery Corps,
Colonel Paul B. Malone, Infantry,
Colonel Harold B. Fiske, General Staff,
Major Tom DeW. Milling, Air Service,
Lieutenant Colonel Samuel R. Gleaves, General Staff, Recroder, [[Recorder]]

is appointed to study the Army school system and make recommendations with a view to the better coordination of the existing courses of instruction, the reduction of time and expense required, and the development of adequate courses of instruction for officers and enlisted men of the National Guard and the Reserve Corps.
The Board will assemble at Fort Riley, Kansas, at the call of the senior member, not later than February 20, 1922, and will proceed to the following named places, in the order named, for temporary duty in connection with the purposes indicated above: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Camp Benning, Georgia; Camp Bragg, North Carolina; Fort Monroe, Virginia; Langley Field, Virginia; Camp Humphreys, Virginia; Camp Alfred Vail, New Jersey; West Point, New York, and Washington D.C.  Upon completion of this duty the members of the Board will return to their proper stations.
The travel directed is necessary in the military service and chargeable to procurement authority FD 26 P 2451 A 2.

A. G. 352.01 (2-4-22)

By order of the Secretary of War;

John J. Pershing,
General of the Armies,
Chief of Staff.

P. C. Harris,
The Adjutant General.

[[right margin]]Order - [[?]][[/right margin]]