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by Congress and popular demand, and met with opposition both active and indirect, not only during the demonstration itself but in the realization of what had actually been accomplished. If the responsibility for the development of the Air Force is placed on the Air Force itself, it cannot help but progress more rapidly.

IX. Procurement.

Certain methods of procurement, maintenance and distribution of supplies have been established in the War and Navy Departments as a result of years of experience. The difficulties now experienced by the Air Service in obtaining results by those methods could be eliminated if the Air Force were to be charged with the entire responsibility and allowed to build up its own methods to fit the special circumstances that apply to the Air Force and do not apply to the Army or Navy. The aeronautical industry is in effect a part of the Air Force and any plan which does not take into consideration the industry as an integral part of the Air Force is fatally defective.

Major, Air Service,
Chief, Information Division.