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a plan looking forward over a period of not to exceed 5 years as more prudent. We therefore do not recommend the full realization of the plan of the Lassiter Board, but rather than the matter be made the subject of further study under competent authority."

So far as concerns its military aspects, recommendation 21 of the Lampert Committee is analagous to the tenth recommendation of the President's Aircraft Board. The latter is now under study by the Chief of the Air Service and will be the subject of further study by the General Staff after the recommendation of the Chief of Air Service have been received. 

[[Two column format]]
[[Column One]]
President's Aircraft Board.
(3) "It seems desirable to give the aviation some special representation on the General Staff. There has not yet been opportunity for many aviation officers of suitable rank to qualify for membership on the General Staff. We therefore recommend that the Secretary of War create, administratively, in each of the five divisions of the War Department General Staff an air section to be headed by a General Staff or acting General Staff officer detailed from the Air Corps (Air Service); such section, under the same supervision as the other sections of its division to consider and recommend proper action on such Air Service matters as are referred to the division."
[[/Column One]]
[[Column Two]]
Lampert Committee.
(22) "That the Air Services of both the Army and Navy should be at once adequately represented on the General Staff of the Army and the General Board of the Navy by members who will firmly support the full and complete use of Army and Navy aviation for the defense of the country."
[[/Column Two]]
[[/Two column format]]

More complete air Service representation on the General Staff is under consideration and study by G-1.

[[Two column format]]
[[Column One]]
President's Aircraft Board.
"Should there be a Department of National Defense under which should be grouped all the defensive organizations of the government." 
"We do not recommend a Department of National Defense." x x "The disadvantages outweigh the advantages."
[[/Column One]]
[[Column Two]]
Lampert Committee.
(23) "That there be established a single Department of National Defense, headed by a civilian secretary especially charged with the coordination of of the defenses of the country."
[[/Column Two]]
[[/Two column format]]
