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A separate study of this subject is now in progress in the Operations and Training Division which will recommend that the War Department continue as a separate Executive Department of the Government, with a cabinet officer as its head. This study has not yet progressed to a point which permits of its being quoted. This procedure follows the recommendation of the President's Aircraft Board. 

IV. Opinion of the Operations and Training Division, G-3:
1. That legislation should be initiated by the War Department providing for additional compensation for aviation mechanics. (Recommendation No. 14, Lampert Committee.)
2. That no action should be taken on Recommendation 10 of the Lampert Committee until receipt of a study and draft of legislation from the Chief of Air Service concerning the use of military facilities by civil and commercial aviation. 
3. That the War Department should not give its approval to legislation covering other recommendations of the Lampert Committee that have been included in this study except in response to recommendations of the President's Aircraft Board. (This refers to Recommendations Nos. 3,4,9,11,12,13,21,22, and 23, of the Lampert Committee.)
4. That steps should be taken to have the War Department's views on all questions raised by the Lampert Committee coordinated in one study, recommending all legislation to be approved by the War Department as a result of this committee report, and available for use in Congressional hearings. 
V. Action recommended: Approval of the opinions expressed in Section IV. 
VI. Concurrence: The A.C. of S., G-1 [?] concurs
The A. C. of S., G-2 [?] concurs.
The A. C. of S., G-4 (-) concurs. see G4/17913 Jan 15, 1976 [?]
The A. C. of S., WPD [?] concurs. 
The Chief of Air Serv( ) concurs.

H.A. Drum,
Brigadier General,
Assistant Chief of Staff.

1 incl.
