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d. To pass upon articles entered in design and performance competition.

e. To prepare the general specifications of Service Type equipment and to assist in the preparation of specifications covering its procurement.

f. To coordinate and pass finally, subject only to the approval of the Chief of Air Service, upon recommendations received from all sources affecting major items of new equipment.

g. To maintain contact and be conversant with the general program of the Navy Air Service; the N.A.C.A." Universities which provide aeronautical training; National Research Council; Bureau of Civil Aeronautics.

h. /Inspectionsof all related agencies, schools, industries, tactical units etc., with at least one annual visit to foreign countries.

3. To make effective the foregoing, it is recommended that the Air Service Board be permanently transferred to McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio, where the engineering information and personnel would be constantly available, the tactical items and personnel being coordinated through inspection and correspondence.
Provide at five thoroughly qualified members, one chairman and two specifically charged with Engine ring knowledge and two with tactical, and their necessary assistants and routine help. All five members should have a general knowledge of air service matters in addition to their specialty.

4. It is believed that if the duties performed by the Boards of other branches be investigated, it will be found that the duties outlined in Par. 2 are well within the province of the Air Service Board. However, should the Chief of Air Service consider that these functions do not properly pertain to this board, it is recommended that they be resigned to the Technical Committee, to the membership of which should be added for this purpose, [[illegible strikethrough]] office no qualified to perform the duties enumerated in Par. 2, who should be permanent working members.

5. It is the conviction of the Division that the approval of the recommendations herein advanced will not only expedite development and reduce time now required to place a completed product in the hands of the service, but will materially aid in providing a logical well-ordered [[strikethrough]] x [[/strikethrough]] program of continuing development and so result in the saving of considerable time, effort, and funds now expended without adequate return.

T.D. Milling,
Major, Air Service.