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unified Air Service or the Unified National Defense as indicated by the Chart of Figure 3. It will at this time be absolutely imperative to have a general staff board which shall bear the same relations the Army, Navy, and Air Force as the Board now does to the Engineering Division and the Tactical Schools of the Air Service, or the Army and Navy Boards do their Divisions. Again the full lines indicate the probable flow of information and decision without this board, and the dotted lines indicate the important co-ordination possible with it. 
It seems logical therefore that even if such an organization should not be officially necessary in the present organization to carry out this liaison, (that is, the work could be done by officers already on certain other work), that is would be advisable to initiate such an organization at any rate. This could be developed in the nucleus of the more general and important work of the Unified National Defense scheme. It is further logical that the Air Service, which will be the most important of the future arms should be ready to contribute trained personnel to the more inclusive organizations indicated.
Whatever are the local modifications in this plan, it is believed that its general program will be eventually necessary.