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"October 19,1926.

"The following committee met in Room 2055 of the Munitions Building at 10 a.m., October 19, 1926.

Admiral H. I. Cone Representing the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics- Chairman.

Mr. Jones Aeronautics Branch, Department of Commerce

Dr. Briggs (L.J.) Bureau of Standards

Dr. Dellinger Bureau of Standards

Mr. Petersen Air Mail, Post Office Department

Lt. Schoeffel, U.S.N. Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department

Mr. Reichelderfer Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department

Captain Kraus Air Corps, War Department

Mr. Luckey Air Corps, War Department


"With further reference to the localisation of fields, Mr. Jones suggested the use of a captive balloon which would be released at a height above the level of the fog. The position of this balloon releative to the landing field being known to the pilot it might be possible for him to fly down through the fog and effect a landing. By streamers on the plane or by other means, the pilot can also be informed as to the height of the fog. The committee was in favor of the suggestion made by Mr. Jones, that the use of a balloon in this connection be tried out at the College Park Station of the Department of Commerce. Lt. Schoeffel and Capt. Kraus were asked to investigate the possibility of a balloon being temporarily turned over to the Department of Commerce for this purpose.

"Another suggestion as to the localization of fields, which was very favorably thought of by the committee, was made by Dr. Briggs. This concerned the use of small free balloons to be released from a fog covered field at the time of expected arrival of an airplane. Mr. Petersen consented to experiment with this idea at some Air Mail Station. Lt. Schoeffel thought it possible for the Navy Department to provide the small balloons for this purpose."