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Thus event before the passage of the law approved June 5, 1920 defining the functions of the Army and Navy, the Joint Board placed the defense of all shore establishments by aircraft in the hands of the Army. At this time it was not considered that aircraft were capable of sinking Navy ships, but it clearly indicates that all shore establishments including Naval shore stations were to be defended by Army and not Navy aircraft.
7. Upon receipt of the Annual Report of the Commanding General, Hawaiian Department, Fiscal Year 1922, the Chief of Air Service in returning this report to the Adjutant General of the Army by 1st Indorsement, dated February 6, 1923, states in part as follows:
"1. In the above extract from his Annual Report, the Commanding General of the Hawaiian Department set forth as his conclusion after practical experience that "the airplane may be considered as the most mobile reserve element available for this reinforcement of threatened points on the coast line". This opinion is thoroughly sound as it is believed that it cannot be controverted. Coming from such a source it is worth of careful attention. General Summerall's statement is, however, werely a repetition of what has been stressed many times by this office in discussing the mission of the Air Services, and particularly the strength of the Air Service which should be maintained in time of peace.
"2. In the light of this new evidence presented so strikingly by General Summerall, it is desired to emphasize once more the reasons why it is believed that the now authorized strength of the Air Service is entirely inadequate and the necessity for appropriate legislation which would authorise a considerable increase of Air Service personnel in order that is may be prepared to carry out its mission in time of war.
"3. The air component of the Army has two principal functions.One is to assist the other combatant branches of the Army by the employment of the observation squadrons and balloon companies. The second is to execute missions more or less independent of the ground troops. That part of the air establishment to which these latter missions are entrusted may be more properly be called "air force" and it is organized an equipped especially to take and maintain the offensive. The Air Force consists of Pursuit,