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bomb carrying capacities of those planes. The increased speeds and increased flying ranges improve the element of surprise through the ability of the aircraft to approach a target very rapidly from any quadrant. The increased bomb-carrying capacity improves its striking power. The advent of refueling improves the flying ranges through the capability of bombing units to be refueled in the air from accompanying planes, after a considerable portion of the distance to the target has been flown. The average range of the present type of heavy bombing planes is from 600 to 700 miles. Bombing planes, then, may be expected at the present to be able to fly a distance of 300 air miles from their bases to a selected target, attack that target, and return to their bases. If accompanied by refueling planes, under favorable conditions these bombing ranges could be doubl[[strikethrough]]t[[/strikethrough]]ed. Hence, carriers operating 200 miles at sea could launch bombing attacks against the SEATTLE-SAN FRANCISCO-LOS ANGELES-SAN DIEGO AREAS on the West Coast and against all important population and industrial centers, as well as the District of Columbia, on the East Coast. 

Operating from the HALIFAX AREA, the normal range of present bombing planes would render them ineffective. However, their refueling range would enable them to reach the BOSTON-MONTPELIER AREA. Operating from the QUEBEC-MONTREAL AREA, the normal bombing range would enable them to reach the PORTLAND-ALBANY-WATERTOWN AREA. Their refueling range would enable them to reach the BOSTON-NEW YORK-BUFFALO AREA. 

Operating from the MONTREAL-WINDSOR AREA, hostile bombing planes, normally, would be able to reach the ALBANY-PITTSBURGH, Eastern Shore of LAKE MICHIGAN AREA. Their refueling range would enable them to reach BOSTON-NEW YORK-WASHINGTON, D.C.-LOUISVILLE-CHICAGO AREA. 

These ranges indicate the possibilities of hostile bombing of the immediate future; no attempt is made to conjecture on the possibilities of hostile bombing if and when bombing airplanes are able to transport several tons of bombs at speeds of from 250 to 300 miles an hour to defenses of from 1,000 to 1,500 miles from their bases, or from aircraft carriers. 

O. C. S. M. L. D. G. S.