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Back in the good old days it seems that Seattle, Washington, during midsummer, celebrated a festival known as the "Seattle Potlach Celebration." In the year 1913, this celebration was memorable because of its contribution to the "firsts" of Aviation history.  During the last night of the celebration Milton J. Bryant, one of the Bryant brothers, wrote "SP" in fire over the city of Seattle, thus initiating the practice which came to be known as "Skywriting" on July 19th.

A significant innovation in military flying occurred during the latter part of November or early part of December, 1913.  Phil Radar, flying for General Huerta and Dean Ivan Lamb, flying for General Carranza over Neco, Mexico, exchanged a dozen or so pistol shots in what was probably the first recorded aerial dogfight in history. It was the initiation of and forerunner of the modern dogfighting techniques of the last World Wor.

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