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This is the observation type, two-place; 5 guns, two on the tourelle mount for use of the observer, two front guns over the motor, and one tunnel gun. The tunnel gun fires through the floor of the fuselage in order to protect itself against a plane attacking from below. This, the XBIA, is the latest type built for observation, but it is not entirely satisfactory. We are still relying on the DH-4 for all practical purposes. 
In order to give you some idea of what is contained in a pilot's cockpit, I want to show you this slide. You will notice there are 31 different items, but some of which are not always used. For instance, the electric heating and lighting control would be used at high altitude only in order to heat clothing, gloves, shoes, etc. 
For pursuit we use a one-place machine, with two front guns. This, the Thomas Horse, is the type now in service. It is very fast and maneuverable having a ground speed of about 160 miles per hour. 
This, the light bombing type, is best illustrated by the Martin Bomber. It is capable of carrying 2000 pounds of bombs, has a ground speed of 115 miles per hour and is very maneuverable for its size and weight.
The heavy bomber type, I am illustrating by this machine, known as the OWL; it has three motors, and will carry 4000 pounds of bombs. It is the only machine of the kind that we now own, but is the general type, in so far as weight-carrying ability is con- [[concerned]]