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rear. Night bombardment, as used during the last war, encountered very little opposition from hostile planes. However, it must be borne in mind that all other branches of aviation in the future will be employed at night as well as by day. Hence night bombardment will be dependent on night pursuit for its protection, in the same manner that day bombardment is now dependent on pursuit.
Searchlights play an important role in defense against hostile night bombardment is now dependent on pursuit.
Our attack squadrons are organized on the basis of 25 airplanes per squadron for single engine type, and 16 planes per squadron for the dual engine. The group and wing follow the normal organisation.
Attack aviation is used principally against ground troops, (that is, concentrations, troops in column, artillery, hostile comand posts, hostile airdrones, and troops in the front line). Armed with light bombs and machine guns, attack aviation provides a weapon of the greatest use to the Infantry in assisting in the attack from a standpoint of the destruction of morale, peronnel, and material. It is of the greatest benefit when used to follow up the pursuit of a routed enemy, especially where it is impossible for our own Infantry to keep in contact. It is useful at night in harassing the enemy front lines. This was thoroughly demonstrated