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these bombing planes that dropped the bombs?
A.  From 2000 to 3000 feet. In the various missions we dropped at 2000 feet and up to 3000 feet.
Q.  I would like to ask about the torpedo plane. You don't mention them in the attack. Do you count on using them in connection with coast defense?
A.  Yes, we intend to use the torpedo plane.
Q.  Is there general agreement between the Naval and Army Air Service as to their use in coast defense along the lines you indicate?
A.  I don't know. No definite agreement has been made, but that is our idea of it; that is, the army has charge of the defense of the coast, and we feel that the navy should only have airplanes to operate with the fleet.
Q.  How many tons of bombs did it take to get a direct hit on the battleship last summer, our of the bombs that were dropped?
A.  You mean before it was sunk?
Q.  Before you got a direct hit, or sunk it, yes?
A.  About 20 tons. But that is hardly a fair question for the reason that the test was not to sink the ship, but it was to test out various types of bombs and armor. In other words, we attacked the cruiser with 300-pound bombs, which we knew to be too small to sink it. When we attacked with bombs of sufficient size, she went down in 15 or 20 minutes.
Q.  What is the method of setting or aiming these bombs,