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deeming the time to release them?
A. We have a slight which can be set for altitude, drift, and dropping angle. These settings can be made in just the same manner that corrections are set on a gun sight. We usually attempt to fly either directly into or with the wind while bombing. At the present time the development of the sight is going ahead at Dayton, and I think we will eventually have one which will embody all corrections necessary for accuracy. There is no reason why we shouldn't develop a sight which would be practically an accurate as the present sights on big guns. At the present time the hitting capacity of a bombing plane is far greater than any long range gun.
Q. Just what is the meaning of the airship in combination with the airplane?
A. Of the airship?
Q. Yes?
A. Up to the present time we have depended, or sued the airship practically for surveillance work or for long distance reconnaissance, but due to their vulnerability, I believe that their principal use will be for supply purposes; that is, using it in rear of the lines in order to bring up supplies where other means are not available.
Q. It is not clear to me on what principle protection is denied bombing groups until they arrive at their target. I understand the bombing plane is inefficient for defense, and you stated that the pursuit plane protection should rendezvous over the target.