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shipment, and we ran a regular transport. A Martin Bomber transported all that material from Dayton to Langley; made three trips a week. You can always carry the absolute necessities that will be required for work during the interval; you can carry that by plane.

General McGlachlin: Major Milling can stand the gaff as well as anybody I know, but I think we had better spare him any further efforts. I have been very anxious to have him talk to us, because it seems to me this is a subject that we should all keep in our minds all the time. The more we think of it and the more we take consideration of these problems into our studies, the more nearly we are going to come to a correct conclusion. I think that imagination, of course, can run away on the subject, and we have got to guard against that, but we have got to use our imagination just the same, and we have all got to work together, and I think we need to support the Air Service, whose future is certainly not known and will not be until all the army and all the services do support it.

I thank you very much, Major Milling.

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