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At the end of the year 1913, the people most interested in Army aeronautics did not seem to be fully satisfied with existing conditions. Due to this, the matter was taken up in the Senate, Senator Reymond attacking the administrative body. This speech is now on file in the Signal Office. A commission was appointed to investigate and reorganize aeronautics, but the report has not yet been made public. The policy is to form three principal centers of aviation, at Reims, Versailles and Lyon. Located at these points will not only be the directing heads and principal depots, but also the largest number of aviators and machines. The various squadrons located in each district will be under the supervision of the head of its center. 

Opportunity was afforded for me to inspect the following centers; Buc (provisional); Chautefort (provisional); Villacoublay (provisional); Versailles; Reims; Camp de Chalons; aand Mourmelon.

The provisional centers are not complete in themselves and are located adjacent to the civilian school from whom the machines are purchased. Practically all of the repairs are made in the civilian school work-shops. The standing equipment of the squadron consists of either tent or wooden aeroplane sheds, with a small work-shop for minor repairs.

The centers of Buc and Chautefort are within two miles of each other. At the former place are located one squadron of R.E.P. and one squadron of Farmans. Their flying equipment consists of 12 machines each, of the single and two place types. There are equipped with only two thirds of the necessary number of trucks for transportation in the field. They are stored at St Cyr, only enough being in actual use to carry the officers and men to and from their homes in Versailles. In addition to the machines mentioned above, there are a number of old types that can be used in the vicinity of the field, but useless for field work. No fixed rule seems to be followed as to the number of one and two place