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[[3 Columned Table}}        
|   |   |Page|

|I-|Triangular outline of the Pacific under control of Air Power|326|
|II-|Outline showing area in the Pacific exempt from the reconnaissance of heavier than aircraft and area under direct control of heavier than aircraft|327|
|III-|Airways Chart of the Hawaiian Islands|328|
|IV-|Airways Chart Midway Island to the Hawaiian|329|
|V-| Air Forces Radio Net and Wire System 
of the Hawaiian Islands|330|
|VI-|Plan of reconnaissance of Hawaiian Islands|331|
|VII- |Defense against Anti-aircraft|332|
|VIII-|British Naval and Air Base at Singapore S.S.|333|
|IX-|The Island of Singapore with important military railways, oil fuel pipe lines, fuel depots, tanks, etc.|334|
|X-|China and adjacent regions showing Spheres of influence of various Military Chiefs|335|
|XI-|Strength of Combat Troops of the Aray in India|336|
|XII-|Railways and Cantonments of India|337|
|XIII-|The Organization of the Royal Air Forces in India|338|
|XIV-|Japanese Military Airways and Operating radius of the Japanese Air Forces|339|
|XV-|Air Line Distances between Centers of Population in the Northern Hemisphere|340|