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[[2 Columned Table]]
|Accessibility of Japan to aircraft|24,293|
|Action of bombardment in defense of Hawaii|94|
|Observation in defense of Hawaii|98|
|Aeronautical future of Japan|297|
|Growth of Japan|296|
|Importance of Eastern Siberia |251|
|Agitation in Japan against America|280|
|Air and Naval Bases on Singapore|333|
|Ascendency, necessity for |31|
|Bases between United States and Japan|24|
|In Singapore|196|
|Straits Settlements|15|
|Necessity for|32|
|Defense units|315|
|Force, Dutch, in East Indies|14|
|In Hawaii|11|
|Condition of|60|
|Recommendations regarding|69|
|Personnel of|222|
|Use of|225|
|Method of organizing and handling|72|
|Of Chinese Chiefs|20|
|Philippine Islands|13|
|Actual Condition of|155|
|Line Distances between Centers of population in|
|Northern Hemisphere|340|
|Needs of Alaska|318|
|Hawaiian Islands|317|
|Philippine Islands|317|
|United States|318|
|Officers, Education of|320|
|Organization in India|18,217|
|Personnel, Distinguished from Army and Navy|319|
|Source of|319|