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[[2 Columned Table]]
|In defense of Hawaiian Islands|100|
|Comparison of air force required in the Philippines and the Japanese|13|
|Different colonial systems in Far East|6|
|Japanese and American air forces|278|
|War resources|2|
|Regarding our military aeronautics|324|
|Conditions, air force, in Philippine Islands|155|
|In Philippine Islands|145|
|Military, in Far East|9|
|Political, in Far East|1|
|Control by air power|32|
|Of Air Service by Budget|321|
|Creation of air power, fundamental principles for|325|
|Critical points in defense of Hawaii|86|
|Decisive element of Japan's air power|323|
|Defense against aircraft|51 112|
|Of Hawaiian Islands|53, 266|
|Critical points in|66|
|Plan of battle in|80|
|Philippine Islands|146, 286|
|Defenses of Siam|229|
|Department of Hawaii|67|
|Depot, military, establishment of|43|
|Description of island of Singapore|194|
|Development of air power, rapidity of|316|
|Japanese aviation|300|
|Diplomacy with Japan, probable failure of|30|
|Disarmament Conference, effect of, on Japan|273|
|Disintegration of sovereign authority in China|7|
|Division of military power of China|19|
|Dutch colonial system in Far East|5|
|East Indies|14|