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[[2 Columned Rows]]
|Offensive, need of, for successful warfare |30|
|Organization, air force, in Siem |19|
|In India| |16|
|Army, in India| |209|
|Military, effect of air power on| |22|
|in Japan| |20|
|Siem| |16|
|Naval land| |312|
|Of air power| |313, 314|
|Local air units| |313|
|Royal Air Force in India| |338|
|Organizing an air force| |72|

|Pacific, airways across| |35, 36|
|Area of, free from control of heavier-than-air|
|craft, chart of| |327|
|Domination of islands by Japan| |35|
|Ease of crossing| |27|
|Strategical aspect of| |26, 33|
|Triangular outline of, chart of| |326|
|Western coast of| |34|
|Panama, necessity for local defense air unit for| |317|
|Peasantry under Soviet rule| |250|
|Personal service system in India| |216|
|Personnel of air force in India| |222|
|Siam| |233|
|Philippine Islands| |12, 143|
|Air force in| |13|
|Needs of| |317|
|Power of Japan operating against| |151|
|American military policy in| |12|
|Assumed state of war in| |147|
|Condition of air force in| |155|
|Defense of| |146, 287|
|Plan of attack on| |152|
|Recommendations regarding| |166|
|Value of| |40|
|Photographic Section in Hawaiian Islands| |66|
|Philippine Islands| |156|
|Pilots, Japanese as| |297|