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[[2 Columned Table]]

|Races, fighting, of India|214|
|Radio net and wire system of Hawaiian Islands,chart of|330|
|Station in Java|185|
|Radius of air power|31|
|Japanese military airways, chart of|339|
|Railways and cantonments of India|337|
|Raw materials, lack of, by Japan|310|
|Recommendations regarding air force in Hawaiian Islands|69|
|Our military seronautics|324|
|Philippine Islands|166|
|Training in Hawaiian Islands|123|
|Reconnaissance, plan of, of Hawaiian Islands|331|
|Religions in India|203|
|Reserve, was, in Philippine Islands|165|
|Resistance against English in India|206|
|Resources of Straits Settlements|15|
|Round-the-World Flight, effect of, on Japan|277|
|Royal Air Force in India, organization of|338|
|Russo-Japanese War|261|

|Scope of air power|32|
|Sea, domination of, by air power|23|
|Power, complications attending operation of|45|
|Expense of|45|
|Old conception of|32|
|Seacraft, attack against|134|
|Service system in India, personal|216|
|Siam|18, 227|
|Air force in|19, 233|
|Defenses of|229|
|Government of|7, 227|
|Military force of|230|
|Population of|228|
|Siberia, Eastern, importance in aeronautical way of|251|
|Soviet troops in|249|
|British naval and air bases on|333|
|Harbor defense of|198|
|Hap of|334|