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Single command in time of war | 323
Service, isolation of | 323
Source of air navigating personnel | 319
  Soviet Government and China | 249
  Rule and the peasantry | 250
Troops in Eastern Siberia | 249
Spanish colonial system in the Philippine Islands | 5
State of war in Hawaii, assumed | 50
Station, air and naval, Guam | 11
Storage facilities in the Philippine Islands | 160
Straits Settlements | 15
     Air base in | 15
     Commercial importance of | 15
Strategical aspect of the Pacific | 26, 33
        Philippine Islands | 146
  Importance of islands of the pacific |  35
  Position of Dutch in the Far East | 170
Strength of military forces in India | 217, 336
Supply methods in Philippines Islands | 162
  Service in Hawaiian Islands | 63
     India | 221
     Philippine Islands | 157
            Status of | 164
  System of Singapore | 334
Supremacy of white race, struggle for | 29
Systems, colonial, administration in the Far East | 4
   Of air command in foreign countries | 322
    Command of military air power | 314
Tactical instruction, unity of, necessity for | 321
Training recommendations for Hawaiian Islands | 125
Transportation facilities in the Philippine Islans | 161
Triangular outline of Pacific under the control of air power | 326
Troops, native, in India | 17
United States and Japan | 258
     Air needs of  | 318
     Military base of | 33