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Inspection of U.S. Possessions in the Pacific And the Countries North of the Equator
And as Far West as India

I. Introduction
1. War Department Orders, dated September 29, 1924, directed that I inspect the Air Units and investigate the Air Activities in our Pacific possessions and in various countries in Asia. The places visited included the Hawaiian Islands, Guam, the Philippines, Java, the Straits Settlements, Burma, India, Siam, China, Manchuria, Korea, and Japan. Each possession or country has been dealt with separately in the body of the report in the order named. 

II. Political Conditions in the Far East.
1. Political conditions in the Pacific have changed greatly in the last ten years. Before the European War, the white man dominated the Asiatic Continent politically, commercially, and in a military way to a much greater extent than is the case at the present time. Physically, should the white countries decide to apply military force in the Far East, they are capable of exerting more than they did before the European War. Proportionately, the 
