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mer commercial conditions. The entire elimination, for the present at least, of Germany in the Southern Pacific and Russia in the Northern Pacific, has also disturbed the old balance.

1. The great white powers that still maintain a foothold in the Far East are England, France, and the United States. While Holland can not be considered as a great power on the continent of Europe, it has a tremendous colonial empire in the Far East which extends from north to south for a distance of twelve hundred miles, and from east to west for a distance of three thousand miles.
2. The combined populations of the white powers in the Far East alone amount to more than one quarter of the population of the world. Among all of these there is great political unrest and all of the political unrest aims at expelling the whites from dominion over them. It takes different forms in different places. In India and the Philippines it is done openly and aired in the local presses. In the Dutch East Indies and in the French Indo-China it is carried on secretly and behind closed doors.