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1. It is interesting to note the different systems of colonial administration adopted by England, Holland, and the United States.
2. The British originally arrived in India seeking commercial gain and drove out the Dutch and the Portugese [[Portuguese]] who had arrived ahead of them. They came as armed traders and all their development was with the view of furthering commerce with the mother country. In carrying this out, they  became allied to one after another of the Indian principalities and countries.
3. In order to further their trade and create a favorable impression among the Indian countries, the English interfered as little as possible with the native customs, religeons [[religions]], and conditions. As long as peace continued and trade was not interrupted, the British did not interfere. It became imperative, however, to extend their political dominion in order to hold the trade and within three hundred years, the authority of Great Britain had been extended over the whole of India. Only recently has any attempt been made to educate the people according to European standards and to teach them the principles of self government according to the system

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