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school. The air troops are very wool organized, well commanded, have plans of employment, and have a small reserve of personnel. Reserve material is on the way from Holland. Neither air forces nor ground forces are sufficient to resist an invasion of a first class power.
    3. The Dutch island of Natuna, capable of great development as an air and naval station, absolutely controls the Straits of Malacca. The Dutch fear its seizure by the Japanese at the slightest provocation.

    1. These possessions of England contain about sixty five per cent of the world's tin supply, a great deal of the rubber supply, and the island of Singapore, which at the present time is the controlling strategical naval position for all ocean bound traffic between Europe and Asia. As an air base, an uninterrupted air line could be established from Singapore along the Pacific islands off the coast of Asia clear to the Peninsula of Kamchatka without crossing more than from sixty to eighty miles of water in one place. The British have begun the construction of an air and naval station at this point. While appropriations have been interrupted for the
