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    2. Each one of the chiefs maintains a certain number of airplanes. A great deal of interest is taken in aviation by the Chinese. Ostensibly, the aircraft are kept up for civil purposes but their pilots and reserves are all military men. The pilots and some of the mechanics are quite good. All equipment used is foreign, both French and British. There is no aeronautical or motor industry in China. Their idea is that someday aircraft will be manufactured complete in China and when that time comes, they will have a reserve of personnel sufficient to handle an air force. At present, from a military standpoint, the Chinese air force has very little value.

    1. The size and condition of the Japanese Army is well known. They have about two hundred and fifty thousand men under arms, with a total of about two million trained men. Their armament is getting a little old. It is about twenty years now since they were equipped with their present weapons. All of their materiel is wearing out at about the same time so that a considerable outlay will be required to replace it.
    2. The navy appears to be in good condition.
    3. The Japanese have specialized on their air force since
