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from the view of aircraft.
b. Aerial weapons: the bomb, mines, chemical weapons, air and water torpedoes, and gun fire, can destroy and completely put out of action at a minimum cost and effort any surface vessel that has been build or that can be built.
c. There is no efficient means of defense against aircraft from the vessel themselves either by missile throwing weapons, balloon or other barrages, or chemical weapons.
d. A surface navy can not operate aircraft from floating bases against aircraft acting from land bases because the platform available for launching the airplanes is so small, contracted, unstable, and exposed to hostile air attack that neither sufficient nor suitable aircraft can be launched from them, to cope with air forces acting from shore bases.

The future naval arrangements will, therefore, be confined, for offensives purposes, to vessels capable of diving below the surface of the water to conceal themselves from view and attack.
    4. As aircraft are able to dominate completely the surface of the water within their radii of operations, it will be impossible to transport great numbers of men or masses of materiel in surface vessels across sea areas in war until complete control of the air is obtained.
