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Manila lien may be attacked in flank from Wake Island to the Philippines, a distance of over three thousand miles.  In case of defeat the United States forces would have to fall back on their magazines of Manila or Honolulu, both to a flank, or be destroyed, whereas, the Japanese would have their whole base to retire to in case of necessity.  The distance from Guam to Yokohama is about eighteen hundred miles or about six hundred miles less than the distance from Manila to Yokohama, furthermore it is connected by a fringe of islands whose greatest distance apart is four hundred miles.  From a strategic standpoint, Guam is of the greatest importance.


1.  Sixteen hundred miles west of Guam, we reach the Philippines, our own possession, very rich, not only agriculturally and otherwise, but also the very best pint from which to push trade into the continent of Asia with its eight hundred million people.  A two thousand mile radius from Manila will cut or enclose the great marts of eastern Asia.  This is the actual value of the Philippines, and is not only a tremendous advantage to the United States but also
