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political ideas in India are not radical because all of the dominating people are Aryans but religious. Although the Mohammedans predominate in the North, Mohammedans and Hindoos together inhabit all of the populous centers and their differences are accentuated in the same communities.

4. Although the Mohammedans have shown more initiative in the last few centuries in developing many things and as they have no caste, one might expect a greater intellectual development. This, however, is not the case. The upper castes of the Hindoos are very highly educated. On the other hand the lower class Hindoos are ignorant, squalid, hopeless people to be found anywhere, with no hope of an exit from this condition as long as they keep to the Hindoo religion. According to the Hindoo tenets a man is not born equal and never can become so, therefore any attempt to transform the Hindoo population of millions into a political entity based on the principles of the Anglo-Saxon common law where every man, presumably, is born equal, is bound to result in failure. 

5. Since the great war, India has been granted a greater voice in the management of its own affairs. An attempt is being made to organize the local governments. Practically all questions
