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Pacific meant months of sailing on uncharted seas with the crudest navigation instruments and compasses that were just being understood. Now the crossing of the Pacific is nothing, it is no more than a ferry between two points across the water. It is not miles that count in transportation; it is the time required to negotiate the distance. The Pacific is no wider today then was the Atlantic at the time of our Civil War. It is becoming increasingly narrower and the day is not far off when, neither months, weeks nor days will be used in computing the trip, but hours and minutes alone. The Asiatic know this full well and already, had not restrictive measures been adopted by the whites, Australia and Canada, the United States, and Mexico would have been the haven of millions of the Mongolian race, capable, strong and virile people brought up in the atmosphere of intense economic competition and perfectly able to defeat economically, possess and eventually absorb any other races crossing their path. The pressure of these eastern people has become more pronounced and accentuated, as they have again taken to recreat- - 7 -