Viewing page 197 of 203

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Inspection, General Plan of ----------------   3
     Hawaiian Air Depot -------------------- 166
     System in Hawaii ----------------------  49
Islands ------------------------------------  19
     of the Pacific ------------------------  14
Japan, Aspirations of ----------------------   8
     Attack on Hawaii by -------------------  30-34-41
     Attitude Toward -----------------------  15
     Policy of -----------------------------  15
     Strategic Development of --------------  15
Kingman Reef -------------------------------  16
Fukui, Light House Tender ------------------  27
Hurile Islands -----------------------------  18
Landing Fields in Hawaii ------------------- 103
Liaison System in Hawaii -------------------  47
     With Ordinance ------------------------  48
Light House Organization in Hawaii ---------  54
     Service -------------------------------   3
     Tender, Fukui -------------------------  27
List of Charts and Diagrams ---------------- 170