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Airplanes, Deck flying, Hanriot, French       477
 De Haviland, British                         764
 De Haviland 14, British                      764
               Description of                 764
               Longeron construction of       765
 De Haviland 29, British                      709
               Description of                 767
               Undercarriage for              770
               Wing construction of           769
 De Haviland 34, British                  709-729
               Description of                 771
Airplanes, details of construction of, French 339
Airplanes, Dornier, German                    639
 Farman, French                           329-369
      "Goliath", French                   469-470
 Fastest in the world, French                 441
 Fiat, Italian                            507-556
 Fiat ARF, Italian                            570
 Fiat ARS, Italian                            570
 Fiat BR, description of, Italian             561
 Fiat, wing foil, Italian                     562
 Fighter, breguet, characteristics of, French 456
      Bristol, British                        789
      Low altitude, French                    386
               Armament for                   386
               Characteristics of             386
               Equipment for                  386
               Fuel for                       386
      Siddeley Siskin, British                827
 Fokker, Dutch                            668-675
          Advantages of                       685
          Conclusions on                      704
          Details of                          702
          Distortion of                       684
          Elongation of tubes of              689
          Flying hours of                     680
          Flying service results              681
          Fuselage construction               692
          Gasoline tanks of                   697
          General data                        678
          General technical results           683
          Inspection of                       686