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Bolton and Paul mufflers, British               727
Bolsheviks, effect on Italian aircraft industry 573
Bolts, specifications for, French               339
Bombardment airplanes, Bolton and Paul, British 321
                       Colonial, French         409
                       Day, British             715
                            French              329
                            Italian             522
                       Day and Night, Italian   519
                       De Haviland, British     766
                       French       382-396-400-490
                             Armament for       397
                             Arrangement of     369
                             Bombs for          397
                             Characteristics of 398
                             Equipment for      398
                             Field of visiility of 369
                             Fuel for           398
                             General requirements for 369-396
                             Installation of sights 369
                             Installation of tourelles 367
                             Passages           375
                             Propellers for     361
                             Silencers for      353
                             Visibility of      369
                      Italian                   507
                      Night, British            715
                             Farman "Goliath", French 470
                             French             329-407
                                   General requirements for 407
                      Pusher, visibility of, French 370
                      Three-motored, Potez, French  323
                      Tractor, visibility of, French370
                      Wibault, recommended purchased909
Bombardment and attack airplanes, French- Biplace 399
                                  Armament for    400
                                  Characteristics of 401
                                  Equipment for   401
                                  Fuel for        401