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Climb, marine type airplanes, Spad, French 435
Closed circuit wind tunnel, Italian 535
Cloud flying, British 734
Reid control indicator for, British 879
Clutches, dirigible, Zeppelin, German 591
Cockpit instruments, French 362
Cocks for gas tanks, French 346-347
French 351
Specifications for 340
Coefficient of safety, armored airplanes, French 396
French 337
Collectors, wind tunnel, at Issy des Moulineux, France 414
Colonial airplanes, British 716
French 318-382-409-490
Armament for 410
Characteristics of 411
Equipment for 411
Fuel for 411
General requirements for 409
Potez 460
Comfort, crew, bombardment airplanes, French 399
French 335
Gunner's, armored type airplanes, French 395
Comment on Breguet "Leviathan", French 450
"Sesquiplan", French 447
Duralumin, British 712
Commercial aeronautics, French 494
Aircraft transportation, British 893
Airplanes, Bleriot, French 427
Breguet, French 451
"Leviathan", French 449
Bristol, British 789
Description of 789
Luggage hatch 791
British 716
Engines 857
Identification number 895
Caproni, Italian 576
De Haviland 34, British 772
Dornier, German 644