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Dirigibles, velocity of, German              635
          War work of, German            614-630
          Where built, German            599-603
          Zepplin, German                591-614
Disassembly and assembly, French             342
Discs, communication, Farman "Goliath",
 French                                      472
Displacement fins, Dornier, German           645
Disposal of war material, Fiat Company,
 Italian                                     556
Disposition of crew and equipment, ambulance
 airplane, British                           816
               Wibault bomber, French        465
             Gasoline, Dornier, German       644
Dissymmetric static tests, French            338
Distortion of steel tubing, Fokker, Dutch    684
Distributors, French                         343
Diverging lens, French                       378
"Dixmude"                                    499
Doors, hangar, French                        492
             Zepplin                         495
     Steel, for experiemental chamber at Issy
      des Moulineux                          415
     Trap, for aircraft, French              368
Doped fuel, French                           487
Dope, protective, French                     336
Dornier airplanes, German                    639
       Construction, Italian                 510
       Flying boats, German              639-645
            Decking for, German              645
       Metal construction                    901
       Passenger flying boats, description
        of, German                       646-649
       Two-engined flying boats, description
        of, German                       641-642
       Wing construction, method of, German  640
       Zepplin Company, German               640
Dorr, German expert                          591
Double barreled machine guns, German         589
       Controls, French                      402
Drafting system, Wibault, French             419
Dragonfly engines, British                   862
Draf values, full scale model, French        418
Drainage of radiators, French                350
Drain cooks, French                          343
Drawings, production, French                 340