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Duralumin trellis work, French 326
Tubes, French 483 
Tubing, French 447
Use of, in Italy 511
Wing construction, Dornier, German 640
Covering, British 824
Dornier, German 640
Dutch Aeronautical Research Laboratory 687
Flying Corps 679
Dynamometers, French 413

Eagle engine, Rolls-Royce, British 602
Ease of assembly and maintenance, French 336
Eckner, data on Zeppelins, German 634
German expert 591
Equador, purchase of Ansaldo aircraft, Italian 578
Eddies, slip stress, French 353
Effect of gun fire, Siddeley "Siskin", British 835 
Efficiency, French 330 
Propeller, French 331-360
Eggs, power,  Farman, French 469
Egypt 732
Eiffel tower tunnel, French 413
Elastic cord stresses, French 338
Electrical equipment, arrangement of, French 376
Installation, Breguet "Sesquiplan", French 445
French 355
Electric locomotives, Italian 583
Spark for study of airflow, Italian 536
Elevators, French 334-340
Eleven thousand flying hours, Fokker airplanes, Dutch 680
Elongation of tubes, Fokker airplanes, Dutch 689
Empennage, Fiat BR, Italian 563
French 338
Tests, French 338
Engines, ABC, British 722
Accessories, British 855
Air-cooled 900
British 725-845