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Equalizing system for machine guns, French            369
Equilibrium, longitudinal, French                     334
Equipment, ambulance airplane, British                811
Equipment and armament, French                        336
          Creydon airdrome, British                   883
          Electrical, arrangement of, French          376
          French                                      381
          Lighter-than-air, German                    591
          Low altitude fighter, French                386
          Night, French                               377
          Photographic, French                        377
          Siddeley "Siskin", British                  835
          Storage of, Italian                         584  
          Torpedo airplane, British                   743
          Wireless, Farman, French                    469
Europe, purchases in                                  909
Ex-German dirigible, "Bodense"                        630 
          Zeppelin, description of. French            499
          Zeppelin 1-72, French                       499 
Exhaust gas, French                                   353
                   Effect of                          358
        Manifolds for "Condor" engines, British       759
        Night pursuit airplanes, Italian              533
        Pipes, Fiat racer, Italian                    569
Expansion of silencers, French                        353
Experimental chamber, wind tunnel at Issy des Moulineux, French                                                415
             Field, Italian                           508
             Machines, drawings for, French           419
             Station at Farnsborough, England         708
             Station, Italian                         535
             Wok, engines, French                     487
                  Fokker, Dutch                       668
                  French                              413                           Experimentation, French                               315
                 German                               591
                 Zeppelin, German                     591
Experiments, aerodynamic, French                      413
             Ricardo's, engines, German               661
Explanation of Wibault drawing system, French         419