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Fiat engine A-12 bis., Italian                   556 
A-14,Italian                                     557
A-15-R, description of, Italian                  558
A-18, description of, Italian                    560
A-300, Italian                                   585
Machine guns                                 520-522
Racer, Italian                               557-568
Single seater, CR, Italian                       563
Twelve-passenger airplane, description of, Italian
Field limiters for machine guns, French          365
Field of Fire, French                    364-367-371
Triplace machine                                 403
Starters, British                                729
French                                           318
Fighter, Bristol, British                        789
Filters, French                                  343
Radiator, French                                 350
Financial conditions in Italy                    535
Finish, external, for petro flex tubing, British 875
Fins, displacement, Dornier, German              645
"Mars LV", Gloucestershire, British              775
Vertical, adjustable, Potez, French              461
Fire, causes of, French                  354-355-356
Extinguishing system, Burke, British             732
Field of, French                             364-367
Gasoline tank, Fokker, Dutch                     675
Hazards, British                                 731
French                                           343
Precautions against, French                      354
Prevention committee, British                    731     
"Jupiter" engine, British                        795 
Tests, petro flex tubing, British                872
Walls, British                                   726
Firing through the propeller, French             363
Under the fuselage, French                       367
First Aid Station, Croydon Airdrome, British     883
First condition imposed, French                  379
Trip of dirigibles, German                   604-613