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Fuel tanks, torpedo airplanes, British      741
Full flight data, British                   706
  Power of French engines                   345
  Scale tests, French                   320-417
Functioning of motor, French                341
Fuselage and accessories, Fiat CR, Italian  566
     Central, French                        323
     Construction, Dornier, German          640
                   Fokker, Dutch        671-692
                   Nieuport 29, French      437
                   Short Brothers, British  825
     Covering, French                       325
     Cubical capacity of, French            317
     Fiat BR, Italian                       562
     Firing under, French                   362
     French                                 338
     Morane Saulnior, French                326
     Recommendations on                     902
     Spad 20 French                         426
     Tests, French                          338
     Wibault all-metal bomber, French       465
Fuses, delayed, bomb, Italian               514

Gabardini, airplanes, Italian               507
Gas bombs, Italian                          514
   Exhaust, effect of, French               358
   Hours, French airplanes                  382
Gasoline capacity, pursuit airplane         905
     Consumption, French motors             345
          Multiple engines, British         858
     Content of Zepplins, German            635
     Disposition of, Dornier flying boat,
      German                                648
                     Dornier, German        644
     Gauge for De Haviland airplanes,
      British                               766
     Indicator, British                     809
          Clift, British                    787
     Pump                                   905
        Ambulance airplanes, British        808