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German Zeppelins 591 - 614
Glass, ground, French 378 - 389
Glide, automatic, French 335
    French aircraft 342
Glider, target airplane, Italian 586
Gloucestershire aircraft, British 774
            Company, British 774
      Airplanes, comment on, British 782
Gloves, provision made for, French 351
    Use of, French 363
Glue for petro flex tubing, British 875
    "Luward", use of, in Dutch Air Service 691
"Gnome" Oberural engines, Dutch 679
Goertz bomb sights, German 589
"Goliath", Farman, French  469
Goniometric instruments, French 406 - 409 - 391
Gordon Bennett racer, Spad, French 424
Gourdon, French 329
     Monoplane, French 316
Gradometer, French 369
Gravity tanks, British 730
           French 346 - 347
Greenfield type hose, French 495
Green, Major, aeronautical expert, British 827
Ground attack airplanes, Italian 519 - 525
                     Armament for 525
                     Armor for 526
                     Bombs for 525
                     Climb of 526 
                     Coefficient of safety of 526
                     Crew of 525
                     Endurance of 525
                     Installations for 525
                     Instruments for 525
                     Speed of 526
                     Wings and fuselage of 526
Ground glass, French 378 - 389
      Speed indicator, French 473
Group, moto-propeller, French 332
Guarantee, "Jaguar" engines, British 846