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Hydrogen plants, French                     494
Hydroplanes, Spad, French                   423

Ice chest, ambulance airplanes, British     818
Identification number, commercial airplanes,
 British                                    895
Ignition, "Condor" engines, British         757
     French                                 352
     "Jaguar" engines, British              847
     "Jupiter" engines, British             796
     "Lynx" engines, British                840
Immersion tests, petro flex tubing, British 875
Immigration office, Croydon Airdrome, 
 British                                    885
Inclinometer, French                        369
Indicating apparatus for cockpit, French    362
Indication of bank, Reid control indicator,
 British                                    879
     Of Visibility, British                 894
     Of weather, system of, British         895
Indicator, airdrome, sound beam, British    734
     Control, Reid, British                 879
     Flight, Farman "Goliath", French       472
          Reid, recommended purchased       910
     Gasoline, ambulance airplane, British  809
          Clift, British                    787
Induction, "Jaguar" engines, British        850
        "Lynx" engines, British             845
        Pipes for "Condor" engines, British 757
Inflating meteorological pilot balloons,
 French                                     501
Inherent stability, French                  333
Injection, fuel, British                    724
        Oil, French                         348
Inspection, airplane, Fokker, Dutch         686
        Doors, French                       374
        Opening, French                     343
Installation, bomb, British                 732
                    French              316-372
              Bomb sights, French           370
              Gyro, British                 735