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Junkers, Dr., German expert - 653
Junkers four-motored Monoplane recommended purchased - 909
     Metal construction - 901
     Seven hundred horsepower engine, German - 653
     Type radiator, German - 641
"Jupiter" engines, British - 789-899
               Carburetors - 797
               Description of - 793
               Fire prevention - 795
               Gasoline pumps - 798
               Gun control gear, - 799
               Ignition system - 796
               Lubrication of - 797
               Propeller hub - 799
               Recommended purchased - 910
               Starters - 798
Keels, dirigible, Italian - 535-540
Klaxon warning apparatus, French - 393

L-72, ballonets for, French - 500
     Construction of - 500
     Dimensions of - 499
     Ex-German Zeppelin - 499-630
Laboratory, Aeronautical Research, Dutch - 687
          Commercial airplanes, Spad, French - 428
          Experiments, French - 331
          Flying, Farman "Goliath", French - 470
          Results, French - 320
Lachmenn air foil data, German - 588
Lamblin radiators, British - 774
               French - 439-451-459-465-497
                    Construction of - 497-498
                    Cost of. - 498
                    Shipment of - 498
                    Supports for - 498
               Italian - 579-581
               Parts of, forwarded to A.S. Engineering Division - 498
               Recommended purchased - 909
Landing airplanes of wire, British - 736