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Large bombs, French                      319
   Flying boats, British                 719
Latecuere, French                        329
Lavatory, airplane, De Haviland 34, British 772    
   Ambulance airplane, British           817
   Commercial airplanes, British         790
Layers of gut, petro flex tubing, British 874
Layout, structural, French               318
Leakage, gas tanks, French            346-347
Leak proof tanks, French                 384
Le Bourget, France                       693
   Hangars at, French                    492
Length of dirigibles, German         594-598
          Petro flex tubing, British     667
Lens, diverging, French                  378
Le Rhone engines, French  345-478-479-485-486-491
Levera, French                           351
"Leviathan", Breguet, French             325
                      Transports, French 446
Lewis machine gun installation, French   368
Lewis machine guns, French, ammunition boxes
                            for standard 
Liberty motors              
              Installation in P