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at will, usually, by the bomber. The vision is good and accuracy has been attained by this method. The seat for the bomber must be provided in two locations. One permits his operating the dual control or going along in regular flight in observation work and the other permits him to bomb or take pictures.

Breguet Ambulance Plane - XIV T.

This machine is one of the standard Breguet types, powered with the 300 H.P Renault, designed to carry two patients, one above the other and ahead of the pilot who occupies the position that the gunner or observer does in the ordinary military types.

It is a very interesting adaptation of a military machine for ambulance purposes and at best represents more or less of a makeshift of their regular jobs to suit the purpose.

On the right side of this machine is a door permitting the attendant to accompany the two patients and sit along side of them. A cabinet placed in immediate proximity contains a complete first aid equipment and different size syringes, thermos bottles, morphine, caffeine, ether, sparteino, camphor oil, serum, scissors, nickel-plated cleaning utensils, bandages, disinfectants, etc. A small table permits the disposition of this material by the physician accompanying the patients to soothe the immediate needs of the injured. A complete electrical installation