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of construction adopted and used in the Ansaldo, Savoia, Macchi, and S.V.A types are wonderful examples of woodcraftmanship and design. 

The tendency of future Italian types as designed to meet their latest specifications will mean an absolutely new order of machines, designed and constructed under these new projects with desired performances, which, if realized, will by far eclipse all their present and previous types. 


Their seaplane designs are particularly up-to-date and each successive type represents an advantage in refinement over its predecessor. They have not done much work in development of multi-motored flying boats outside of the new twin-motored tandem Savoia type and the P.R.B.-1 four-motored tandem type. The only multi-motored bombardment types they have really developed to date are the Carponi.


No airplanes have been constructed of the thick wing construction. Mr. Pegna has been designing an eight-engine seaplane of this type and has been receiving technical assistance.